Friday, November 7, 2008

Software ICU???


So the general idea behind a standard intensive care unit (ICU) is to check for vital sign regularity. Everything in the "norm" (adjusted depending on illness and severity) will look and sound normal; when someone is about to die, then the machine goes crazy. Brilliant idea in the medical field. Now, how in the world do you hook up virtual software to an ICU? The idea was great! It pretty much takes out the hassle of running tools every single day and the entire process is automated! Another cool tool add to the software engineering arsenal.

Here is a sample screenshot of the output

In our case vital signs are found at the top of the columns. The only term that seemed foreign to me was "Churn", which basically means the measured amount of code line change.

Arthur and I have successfully finished the assignment meeting all requirements. The entire class did have a run-in with the failed ant -f After a huge online class discussion, we resolved the issue by adding a UserMaps.xml to our home sensor-bin directory.

Currently, our project is lacking in the coverage column. The main issue is that we have an entire class,, which meets 0% coverage. Arthur and I are currently coming up with a way to properly test it. Other than this, we have pretty satisfactory "vital" signs for our project.

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