Friday, November 21, 2008

My First Java Web App

After years of learning to programming as an undergraduate, we finally get to see it "come to life" on the big screen! Well, a webpage... but anywho, this pretty cool looking at a a dynamic website that is java powered. I have a stronger background in PHP/MySql development and light experience with ColdFusion so I have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to dynamic web page elements and html.

The assignment this week was to revisit the Stack and implement a web interface for it. A stack is a generic data structure a stack is an abstract data type and data structure based on the principle of Last In First Out (LIFO). With a stack, you can add, retain, and remove data. Use the interface below to visually see the behavior of a stack data structure. Really simple concept, so the brainstorming was easy. 3 options presented to the user: Push, Pop, and Clear.

The tools introduced to us this time around is Wicket, Jetty, and Slf4J. With a combination of these tools and a little bit of imagination, you can have yourself a Java Web App! As a structure for the assignment, Professor Johnson provided us with wicket examples.

I did take a little time to create css div and changed the general appearance of my site. Here is a screen shot:

In the last remaining weeks, I look forward to dealing more with Java web apps and converting our DueDates project into something great.


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